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See what my satisfied clients are saying about working with me to sleep better!

"Working with Morgan was ten times more valuable than any doctor visit I had during my insomnia crisis. After working with her, I felt so much more in control of what was happening to me. Her calm reassurance and knowledge kept me so much more confident about restoring my sleep"

- Karen, age 59

"After working with Morgan, Iā€™m able to sleep without meds and feel more in control of my sleep. I also feel less panicked when I do have a restless night."

- Polly, age 37

"I was hopeful Morgan could help me but kept my hopes in check: I had been working with a licensed therapist prior and had no success. I was drawn to Morganā€™s individualized, custom sleep coaching model. I felt so comfortable working with Morgan that I shared other physical health challenges, and she was very helpful even beyond sleep coaching!"

- Sara, age 31

"Before I began working with Morgan, I was averaging between 4-5 hours of sleep at night. I was DEPLETED! Now, Iā€™m getting between 7-8 hours of quality sleep consistently. The difference in my daily functioning is amazing! Iā€™m more alert, less moody, and less easily flustered."

- Mary, age 49

"Thanks to Morganā€™s coaching, I feel so much less STRESS about my sleep challenges and in more CONTROL of my ability to have a great nightā€™s sleep."

- Kesa, age 50

"My biggest sleep challenge was an inconsistent routine around bedtime. Morgan taught me a better sleep routine that not only worked for me and for my husband too. With her coaching, I felt empowered and developed fabulous strategies to address my sleep issues."

- Laurie, age 59

"Before working with Morgan, I relied too much on prescribed medication to sleep. I wanted to reduce my dependence. In the short time I worked with Morgan, I eliminated one medication and cut the remaining one by half."

- Katie, age 50

"Thanks to Morgan I have a solid arsenal of coping mechanisms and restructuring techniques for both optimizing my sleep and letting go of the worry after not sleeping well."

- Peri, age 28

"I hired Morgan as my sleep coach because I had struggled with sleep for a long time. I wanted to achieve more confidence in my ability to get good sleep and worry and stress about sleep less. I achieved ALL THOSE THINGS and now have the BEST SLEEP OF MY LIFE!"

- Shelley, age 34

"With Morganā€™s coaching, I am now sleeping through the night! I feel like myself again. I do not take any sleep medications for sleep. I also no longer take anxiety medication!"

- Becky, age 69

"Morganā€™s own experience and knowledge in holistic health gives her a leg up on a traditional sleep coach. If something isnā€™t working for you, she figures out a more tailored solution. She seamlessly ties the emotional and physical pieces together. Her style reminds me of a beloved teacher, the one whoā€™d bring you up and support you, despite not being a top performer. No guilt or shame involved. She is the coach I wish I had twenty years ago."

- Nina, age 31

"I feel like I can fall asleep whenever I want to now. Seriously, my data consistently says less than 15 minutes to fall asleep."

- Lynn, age 53

Iā€™m consistently getting 7+ hours of sleep and feel empowered with the tools and knowledge I gained during coaching. I had a lot of anxiety about my middle of the night wake-ups. The mindfulness tools Morgan introduced me to were a game changer in overcoming my anxiety. Morgan shared so many valuable resources with me and met me where I was in my insomnia journey.

-Ā Maria, age 57

"My biggest sleep challenge was an inconsistent routine around bedtime. Morgan taught me a better sleep routine that not only worked for me and for my husband too. With her coaching, I felt empowered and developed fabulous strategies to address my sleep issues."

- Laurie, age 59

My biggest problem was falling asleep, and after working with Morgan I was able to fall asleep more quickly. Working with Morgan was the missing key to my healing. She offered a safe space to share my feelings and always knew exactly what to say. I feel empowered and ready to continue working on what Iā€™ve learned!

- Tabitha, age 30

I can now go to bed confident that I can sleep through the night. If I do awaken, I've learned strategies to guide me successfully back to sleep. I can now approach bedtime without anxiety because I have confidence in my ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. I used to lay awake in bed trying to decide whether to take aĀ pill or not. I don't even consider taking medication for sleep anymore.

- Rebecca, age 71


Morgan will address all aspects of your health and situation to help with your insomnia. Her knowledge and experience led me to her initially, but her compassion drew me in and convinced me that she truly wanted to help. She will thoroughly examine all aspects of your health journey to improve your sleep and how you approach it.

- Kristine, age 57

Working with Morgan, I was able to discontinue taking sleep medications, while having an easier time falling and staying asleep. I was relieved to get the help I needed from an expert in sleep and felt truly heard and confident she could help me.Ā 
- Leslie, age 43

I wanted to work with Morgan because I was having overwhelming emotions about sleep. She gave me a safe and supportive outlet to vent and strategize my complex sleep issues. By the end of our time together, I felt much less overwhelmed by my sleep situation and am sleeping better.

- Zack, age 32

Before working with Morgan, I was in a group coaching program with other folks who had insomnia. While I got some value from it, I still had a lot of anxiety around my sleep. I was initially skeptical to work with Morgan because I was unsure if the techniques in her program would help. Through the mindfulness work she introduced me to, I feel a greater sense of calm about my sleep. She helped me understand that caring less about sleep actually helps you sleep better.

- Meredith, age 33

Start Sleeping Better Tonight!

Just click the button below to schedule a 20 minute consultation with me. Iā€™ll learn more about you and youā€™ll learn more about my approach to see if thereā€™s a fit. Promise: no sales pitches! Like you, my time is precious. I only work with women I know I can help.

Book Your Sleep Clarity Call

Start Sleeping Better Tonight!

Just click the button below to schedule a 20 minute consultation with me. Iā€™ll learn more about you and youā€™ll learn more about my approach to see if thereā€™s a fit. Promise: no sales pitches! Like you, my time is precious. I only work with women I know I can help.

Book Your Sleep Clarity Call