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Sleep Struggles Got You Down?

More than 1 in 4 women experience insomnia or the inability to fall or stay asleep.Ā¹

Iā€™m Morgan, your Sleep Soulmate. As a double-certified holistic sleep coach, I help women reclaim their rest (and their health) by leading them to the land of better, bountiful sleep which is the cornerstone of whole-body health.

I'm Ready to Sleep Better!

Sleep Struggles Got You Down?

More than 1 in 4 women experience insomnia or the inability to fall or stay asleep.Ā¹

Iā€™m Morgan, your Sleep Soulmate. As a double-certified holistic sleep coach, I help women reclaim their rest (and their health) by leading them to the land of better, bountiful sleep which is the cornerstone of whole-body health.

I'm Ready to Sleep Better!

All too often I receive messages from women struggling to achieve adequate sleep that sound like this: 

Why am I so tired lately?

I can’t seem to fall or stay asleep no matter what changes I make. 

My sleep habits are the worst and it’s starting to affect my loved ones and my work.

I am under so much stress that quality sleep feels impossible.

I’ve tried everything and brain fog always wins. 

I feel so hopeless about ever sleeping well again. 

Here’s the thing: By the time women realize their sleep patterns could use an overhaul, they are exhausted, worn out, irritable, and deeply discouraged. They are living in survival mode and can’t find the mental clarity or the will to identify the obstacles keeping them from achieving true, regenerative rest. 

This is where I come in!

Why Better Sleep Means Better Health

Practically every part of the body experiences positive changes during sleep. By getting the quality rest you need, you allow your body to facilitate a number of restorative healing processes like:

  • Regulating your hormones
  • Improving your body’s ability to manage stress
  • Bolstering your immune system
  • Boosting brain function
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Lowering your risk for serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity 

How Personalized Sleep Coaching Can Revolutionize Your Rest

What clients are saying

"I was interested in sleep coaching with Morgan after many years of trying everythingā€”I mean EVERYTHINGā€”to get my sleep in check. While my sleep is not perfect, I can say that it is not something that consumes my days anymore. With all of the different tips and tricks, I have learned how to cope with a bad night of sleep. It no longer sends me into a downward spiral of despair as it once did. Thanks to Morgan I have a very solid arsenal of coping mechanisms and restructuring techniques for both optimizing my sleep and letting go of the worry after not sleeping well."Ā 
- Peri, age 28

"Morgan provided me the latest research, helped me reframe my challenges to get me unstuck, and encouraged me to make informed decisions. She wasn’t pushy or demanding: Morgan was a great coach."
- Kesa, age 48

"One of the biggest things I loved about working with Morgan was that she helped me have confidence in myself. Our coaching sessions helped me to realize that so many of the solutions to my sleep challenges were already in me and available to me." 
- Becky, age 69

My Story: How I overcome a decade-long sleeping pill dependance and reclaimed my sleep (and health)

I was desperate to get a good night’s sleep after an unexpected crisis rocked my world in my mid-thirties. As a pharmaceutical sales rep, I didn’t have the luxury of “sleeping in” after staring at the clock all night. That’s when I got my hands on a popular, physician-prescribed sleeping pill—because when you work in the pharma field, it’s not hard to score a pill for any ill. 

I didn’t know that sleeping pills inhibit your ability to experience restorative sleep. Taking the pills may help you become unconscious, but sedation is not the same as sleep.

I would wake up groggy, oftentimes to an empty box of cookies I didn’t remember eating, and trudge through the morning until last night’s pill would wear off. It’s a miracle I never got behind the wheel in these fugue states.


My Approach

My mission is to lead you to the land of better, bountiful sleep and provide personalized coaching that addresses the root of your sleep issues. This includes:

  • Unlimited messaging and support 
  • Customized action plans based on your unique lifestyle and sleep needs
  • Steep discounts on well-vetted products that promote restful sleep
Morgan Adams Female Sleep Coach

In the Media 

I’ve been fortunate to share my subject matter expertise and personal journey with all things sleep, wellness, and beating breast cancer (twice). Click here for my Media page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 Curious if I can help you?

Just click the button below to schedule a 20 minute consultation with me. I’ll learn more about you and you’ll learn more about my approach to see if there’s a fit. Promise: no sales pitches! Like you, my time is precious. I only work with women I know I can help.

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